A little more about me…
Hi! I’m Kristina Viniar, your Integrative Health Coach.
My Approach
I empower women who feel out of balance, stuck on a diet rollercoaster, and tired of too many BS short term fixes. So they can stop believing the lies, stop focusing on their limitations and start learning how to embrace their strength and create a kick-ass life.
How I discovered an integrated approach to health…
I used to think that being healthy meant being in tip top physical shape. It was all about how fast I could run, how much I could lift and how good I looked in a bathing suit. I had all those things and yet I was miserable, unwell and sick more often than a “healthy person” should be.
Then I discovered nutrition. I ate really well, adhering to strict diets and having my “cheat” meals just like my dietitians and coaches recommended. I also kept up with my exercise routine, but I felt more stressed out, always tired and had a growing sense of frustration that I still wasn’t getting the whole picture.
It took the right mentor, lots of patience, an integrative approach to health and nutrition and an open mind for me to finally start making changes that were healing my body both on the inside and out. I had to look at my nutrition beyond my plate and examine my relationships with people, my environment, my workplace, mental health, my beliefs and spirituality and learn to slow it all down.
I remember the first time I took a walk around the lake without any agenda, except for just pure enjoyment. It felt liberating and at the same time a bit uncomfortable. You see, I was the person that if I were walking anywhere, it was with an objective and determination, so you'd better get out of my way. I used to say things like, “why walk when you can run’, or “if you’re not sweating or breathless, you didn’t work hard enough”, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” and so forth. How many of you find yourself thinking or saying similar things on a regular basis and then find yourself completely and utterly exhausted and further away from your (insert what you desire most) goal?
My point in telling you this is twofold.
First, there was no magical transformation like they show us in the movies and tabloids. It was a long and continuous transition and I continue to do the work each and every day. I live by what I share with my clients and as I learn and evolve, so does my coaching practice.
Secondly, I did not do this alone. I had teachers, mentors, therapists, retreats, boat-loads of continuing education, and friends who guided me along the way. We as humans are limited by our own stories, beliefs and perceptions of reality and therefore cannot always see the changes that may be obvious to someone who isn’t us. I believe in hiring coaches and mentors to ask you the right questions, show you what’s possible and create a safe and nourishing space for you to grow and flourish.
This is why I started Triad Health Co. It allows me to share what I’m continuously learning with women who are needing a little guidance. Much as I needed my whole life. I believe that if you give your body a fighting chance, it will heal on its own. I’m here to help you get out of your own way and find your unique path to health. I’m here to hold a safe and open space where you can learn to shift your beliefs about food, your body, your movement needs and how to SERVE your goals, not work AGAINST them.
I specialize in helping women lose weight, regain confidence and energy as well as find balance and fulfillment in life.
I look forward to our adventure together.
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